Recipe Index

All recipes are listed here by the date they were published. You can search for them by category or by name on the sidebar or just click the recipe in the links below. Enjoy! – Lorian

Shrimp Corn Cakes – Gluten-Free

Shrimp and corn pair perfectly in this scrumptious fried delectable. I just made them for New Year’s dinner. You can make just a few at a time, but I make 3 dozen and then freeze them in packages for future dinners. Dip them in any sauce that you like from hot and spicy to my…

Pecan Snowball Cookies Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Vegan

My spouse’s favorite holiday treats are pecan shortbread cookies, so I figured out how to make them gluten and dairy-free so that I can enjoy them too. The ingredients are simple and they are pretty easy to make. I did the whole thing in my food processor. I found out that no matter how many…

Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins Gluten-Free Dairy-Free

I love the smell of cinnamon in the kitchen. I wanted to make a quick and easy recipe for a breakfast muffin to go with coffee. And, I wanted it to give me that cinnamon filling and crumbly top of a coffee cake. I like the ease of muffins in the morning (or really any…

Chicken Marsala – Gluten Free

My family is crazy about this classic chicken dish – mushrooms, chicken breasts, and marsala wine. It is light and moist with just the right amount of spices. This dish is great to serve to company but works well as a quick weekday dinner as well. I paired it with dairy-free mashed red potatoes and…


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